Saturday, September 15, 2007

First Day of School

I realize that this is a few weeks late, but I didn't actually have time to get this blog up and running until now. I did manage to keep a brief record of the note-worthy events of the first few weeks of school, so I'm working from those for now, starting with day one:

The first day of school was a blur. The only things I truly remember are:

1. A kindergartener bawled when he was brought to the library for class, but eventually settled down. Not enough to actually SIT down (he stubbornly stood in the back of the group through the entire class), but at least he stopped crying. Then he cried again when he had to leave the library! Points for me, I guess!

2. A second-grader peed his pants about 5 minutes into class. No, I am not a mean and awful librarian -- he didn't even ask to go to the bathroom!
All in all, though, I left school that day feeling like this is something I can do. Thank God.

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